Welcome to my website!
This site is not intended to professionally showcase my artwork. It's more of an artistic project in and of itself. When I was in middle school, I learned basic HTML from tutorials online and made simple websites on GeoCities like many teenagers at the time. By 2006, the popularity of such sites had fallen and I decided to stop maintaining an art site.
In 2010 I joined Tumblr, which I used in lieu of a real website. Activity there started to decline, so I joined Instagram in 2016. While I do enjoy modern social media, the complete lack of customization on how your art is presented is a little stifling! I became incredibly nostalgic for personal websites of the early 2000s. When I came across Neocities, I decided to come back to webdesign!
If you find this website to be ugly, annoying, difficult to navigate, impossible to read, or just plain broken, please feel free to visit me on my various social media accounts. This site is purely for entertainment and nostalgia purposes!
7/25/2020 Well, it took a pandemic for me to finally update my website. Added new stuff to most categories, and updated the About page! Nothing like updating your website to make you feel like you've accomplished hardly anything in two years!
7/29/2018 Finally got around to the finishing touches: a link list and mobile page. Also, I was able to embed a music player without hosting the mp3 on NeoCities. So you can still have the full experience with midi background music, but unfortunately I can't force it upon you. :(
6/21/2018 I finished adding all the content. Oh my god! It was hard to know when to stop. I guess it's when the pictures start making me cringe a little.
6/17/2018 Added two more sections: Videos (which are just embedded from Instagram, heh) and Ars Goetia. I figure the demons should get their own section since there are going to be so many of them!
5/30/2018 I had to rewrite a bunch of pages because modern browsers don't like certain codes that I tried to use. >:( Since when are custom scrollbar colors not a thing? At least Chrome does it. But fixed background images are broken. Also I can't embed a midi file, so you're safe from autoplay music until I cough up $5/month so I can upload mp3 files. B)
4/29/2018 Website in progress!